Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why did I choose Germany?

Why would I choose to go to Germany of all places over my winter break?  Why not go to some place like Australia that would be warm during that season?  I have been to Germany twice and loved it, although, it is hard for me to remember those trips while I was just a little kid.  I now have the opportunity to go to Germany with some friends, gain insight and new experiences, learn things about this country I never knew, and also revisit past places I have been to.  It was just too good an opportunity to pass up in my opinion.  Along with all that, I get college credit for taking a trip to Europe. 
For the past five years now I have been learning to speak the German language and also learn about the culture.  Besides learning things about Germany while I am there that I could not learn in a classroom, I will be able to now experience a little of the culture I have been learning about and try to speak the language with some of the locals.  Out of all the places I could have gone, Germany not only seemed the most practical to me but the most fun, partially because I am biased due to my past five years of German education and hearing about Germany my entire life (my grandparents on my father’s side moved to the United States from Germany) and will now be able to view the amazing sights that only Germany can offer, such as the ones below.
At North Central I am continuing my education of the German language, history, and culture.  I intend to get a German minor and a degree in international business.  Studying abroad will be a useful tool on my resume for future job opportunities.  Studying in Germany is even more useful while German is my minor and Germany is, of course, international so that helps with my major. 
While in Germany I not only hope to enrich my current knowledge of the German culture and language, but perhaps gain a new view point as well.  Although I have been out of the country a few times previously to this trip, none of those trips were anything like this one.  I will be living in Germany for three weeks with the intent to gain new insights.  I keep hearing from people that have been on trips like these before that they experience some kind of change in them after experiencing a new way of living.  I do not believe that one short trip out of the country will change my outlook on life completely but I am expecting some sort of change, even if it is just opening my eyes to new things such as new experiences.